At the 2024 Fall Assembly, the majority of positions have been successfully filled.
The contact list has been updated.

Area 82
2 year term - The Chairperson is the presiding officer of the Area.
They are responsible for the preparation of agendas and chairing Area
Assemblies and quarterly Area Officer/ DCM Committee meetings.
Plus more...
Click the image to see the Area 82 guidelines, refer to page 11 for a full description of responsibilities.

Area 82
2 year term - Primary responsibility is to serve as the link between the General
Service Office and the A.A. groups in Area 82. They carry the collective group conscience of A.A. groups in N.S./N.L. to the General Service Conference in NYC.
They are expected to attend all Area Assemblies, Regional Forums and
Plus more...
Click the image to see the Area 82 guidelines, refer to page 10 for a full description of responsibilities.

Alternate Delegate
Area 82
2 year term - In the absence of the Delegate they are expected to assume their duties.
They are expected to attend all Area Assemblies, Regional Forums and CERAASA.
They are the chair of Cooperating with the Professional Community
(C.P.C.), Public Information (P.I.), Treatment, and Corrections committees and the Grapevine representative for the Area.
Plus more...
Click the image to see the Area 82 guidelines, refer to page 10 for a full description of responsibilities.

Area 82
2 year term - Primary responsibility is to take the minutes at the Assemblies and Area Officer/DCM meetings and report in a timely fashion to the Area Committee. They are responsible for maintaining an up-to-date mailing list
of all Area officers and D.C.M.s. They are the liaison between the Area and the General Service
Office (G.S.O.), communicating information about Area groups and meetings. Plus more...
Click the image to see the Area 82 guidelines, refer to page 11 & 12 for a full description of responsibilities.

Area 82
2 year term - The Area Treasurer is responsible for keeping track of the Area’s financial matters.
The Area Treasurer is responsible for the paying of accounts and maintenance of
accurate records of the Area’s financial condition.
Plus more...
Click the image to see the Area 82 guidelines, refer to page 12 for a full description of responsibilities.

Alternate Treasurer
Area 82
2 year term - The Alternate Treasurer serves in the absence of the Treasurer and is expected to be
prepared to assume these duties.
Plus more...
Click the image to see the Area 82 guidelines, refer to page 12 for a full description of responsibilities.

Area 82
3 year term - The primary responsibility of the Webmaster includes maintaining the operation and
content of the Area Website.
Plus more...
Click the image to see the Area 82 guidelines, refer to page 15 for a full description of responsibilities.

Archivist - NS
Area 82
3 year term - The Purpose of the Archives Committee is to preserve the history of A.A. in Area 82.
The committee maintains records, memorabilia, and other items from our past.
Click the image to see the Area 82 guidelines, refer to page 13 for a full description of responsibilities.

Archivist - NFLD/Lab
Area 82
3 year term - The Purpose of the Archives Committee is to preserve the history of A.A. in Area 82.
The committee maintains records, memorabilia, and other items from our past.
Click the image to see the Area 82 guidelines, refer to page 13 for a full description of responsibilities.

Remote Community Chair
Area 82
3 year term - The purpose is to foster cooperation within the fellowship of Area 82 by creating an awareness of the needs
of alcoholics in remote communities.
Click the image to see the Area 82 guidelines, refer to page 14 for a full description of responsibilities.